Saturday, June 28, 2008

Zack at 14

OK, don't call 911...I made it out alive. If I must say, the room looks on to the rest of the house.

Zack came home from camp full of stories and great experiences. I'm so glad he got to go this year. I had to take him immediately to his Dad's house for a few days. (We split time during the summer.) He hugged and kissed me when I picked him up (which is unusual for a 14 year old boy...especially in public)...and then again when I dropped him off at his Dad's.

Then this morning, I made him mad. I have a tendency to do that a lot these days. I feel like I have to say "no" now, more than I did when he was a busy toddler. Now he's a busy teenager...and he feels like he should be independent already. He called to ask if he could spend the 4th of July with his best friend K. K is 16 and has his license and a car. The plan did not include any adult supervision...I don't count the 19 year old female cousin who just moved here to get away from all the "trouble" she was in at home. Zack, on the other hand, believes that she is adult supervision.

I remember hearing my own Mom go on and on about the trouble kids can get into without supervision and thinking she was just too strict and old fashioned. Now I find myself in that same place. I remember her saying "I know what it's like to be a teenager". I would think to myself, "oh yeah, back in the days before electricity was invented". I'm sure my son feels the same way. He doesn't think I remember being a teenager. OK, I have to admit, I have to think hard...but the fact is, I have worked with teenagers for almost 30 years now, so I REALLY do know what it's like to be a teenager. So when I say no, he thinks I'm being too strict and old fashioned.

Someday (in about 10 years), he'll realize why I say no when I do...until then, I'll be the "mean ole Mom". It's my job.

1 comment:

Lisa Whittle said...

You're so right, Paulette. You stick to your decision. With him being the youngest in this group of 3 - that would pose a problem, especially since they're all kids - yes, even the 19 year old.