Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's SUMMER!!! The sun is shining...the birds are singing...I slept in until 8 (after getting up at 5 for the last 9 months, that IS sleeping in)...and I am ready to go out in the yard and start "weed whacking". I have been putting it off for three days now.

Monday I dropped Zack off at the church for a week of camp, then came home and literally got off of the couch only to eat, go to the bathroom, and get more to eat. Yesterday I went back to school to clean out my room. For some reason, I had it pegged as a one to two hour job...6 hours later, I had the car completely packed and was ready to come home. So, today, I face the yard.

This shouldn't be so daunting...but it is. When we moved here in December, the yard was in bad condition. Front part was about 6 inches high and nothing but what looked like small twigs of something...back yard looked like a very wet wheat field...of course, can't do much of yard work December through at least March and April. Then we had snow in March AND April (really unusual for the Pacific Northwest unless you live in the mountains), by the end of April when it started drying up, I knew we had to get to it soon. Of course, being a renter, I have no lawn mower or anything. I did ask the landlord several times if they could loan us a mower...needless to say, it never now I am looking at a wheat field surrounding my house. A mower wouldn't be able to get through it. I am getting ready to begin "whacking" a quarter of an acre so that we actually can begin mowing again. I guess I could save it for Zack...but I'm getting embarrassed by the looks of people driving by, as well as the neighbors. I have taken to putting up my hoodie as I leave the house and trying hard not to return until after dark. Since sunset doesn't happen until after 9, that is getting harder and harder.

I have to "get er done". I am taking this as a life lesson...when we don't take care of things that need taking care of...they get to a point that makes the task look impossible. I'm thinking of several issues in my own life. My weight...instead of handling it when it started getting out of control (how many years ago was that?)...I just keep letting it go. Now I am facing the fact that I HAVE to get rid of extra weight for numerous reasons...most of them health related. My house...another area that I have let go. It's not "dirty" dirty...just unorganized dirty. The condition of my cluttered house makes my head get cluttered. I could go on...but, at this point I am just avoiding going out there.

My lesson for today will be to quit avoiding and start mowing things when they need mowed. Off to the yard!


Miriam said...

I've been feeling like I need to tackle my own wheat fields lately! I hope it goes well :)

Lara said...

ooh, good luck! summers never last long enough, if you ask me - i'm already daunted by how much work i have to do before the school year starts.

thanks for commenting over at my place! i always love meeting new friends. :)