Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Scared you, right? I'm like a ghost these days when it comes to blogging. See what a difference a real job makes? I started blogging when I was working in an office and I spent about an hour a day working and the rest of the day answering the phone. That tends to leave a lot of time on your hands. That's something I really NEVER seem to have anymore. I keep thinking it will get better, but so far that doesn't seem to be happening.

I'm definitely NOT complaining. I love, love, love, love, LOVE being a teacher. I am still having so much fun. But, some days I feel like the hampster on the wheel...running, running, running and just when I think I might slow down a little, I have to start running again.

Let me fill you in on the latest news about the housing conditions. I have been praying for the miracle. We still don't have to be out of here for a little while, but December 1 was my goal. Well, on Monday I mentioned our need for a place at our staff prayer time and on Tuesday morning(yesterday) one of the other teachers came in and said, "I have a house if you want it." Seems she and her husband were trying the "flip this house" worked well the first time, so the 2nd time her husband bought two houses and then the market flipped instead of the houses. So, they have this one house sitting empty...they really haven't done a lot of work to it yet, but she offered it to us for $800 a month. No down payment, no deposit, no credit check (after all, she knows where I work and now she'll know where I live!) The catch is that they will eventually put it up on the market so we need to keep it "ready to show" (motivation to keep the house really clean and neat) and then if it sells we have to be ready to move.

I can live with that. God knows what's ahead, I don't have to worry about it. That's the whole joy of being part of the "planning stages".

Have a great Halloween!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Wow. Things are really starting to fall in place aren't they? That's awesome!