Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1

Can it really be October already?

I don't get sick too often, but whatever I had this past week, knocked ME OUT! I went to bed early Friday night and slept through the night. Spent most of Saturday in bed. Wish I could say I got lots of sleep...but room-mate and her boyfriend decided that whatever needed to be pounded would be pounded on Saturday. Then there were her two boys and his one up above me on the hardwood floor. Even in socks, they sounded like a herd of elephants as they chased each other from the living room, through the dining room, through the kitchen and back into the living room. And by noon I was ready to get up and give ALL of them lessons in closing a door without slamming it. The topper was when her bf decided to mow the lawn while it wasn't raining. Seems the very small patch of grass right by my bedroom window must have been the grassiest in the entire yard. He was mowing by my window for at least 45 minutes.

Since I was so well rested after Saturday, I was still really sick on didn't make it too church and actually slept for a few extra hours in peace. I did finally have to get up because ex must have called me 25 times in 2 hours. He and Zack were shopping because Zack has his first big dance this coming weekend. It would have just been easier for me to go shopping with them.

Something good did come out of the weekend though. Ex has some really good friends who are snowbirds (not that it really snows much here). They have a 5th wheel that is bigger than most apartments and they get in it around the end of October and don't come back until mid-April. They usually have their daughter come to their house once a day while they are gone to take care of their cat. Well, they have generously offered to let Zack and I stay there for 5 months while they are gone. That's my September miracle! They offered the house for FREE! I insisted that we at least pay the electric, seeing that they aren't going to be there to use any of it. It's about 5 miles closer to school...but further away from Zack's friends. However, after he got a look at the house, he doesn't seem to mind. (I think the wide screen got him.)

The other problem is that "cat" is old and they are worried that contact with a dog would cause a heart attack. So, we are in the process of looking for a place for Sammi to stay while we live there. I love Sammi, she's part of the family...but this is an opportunity that we really can't give up. Don't have to come up with first, last, and deposit...can put money away to be prepared for a nice little house in April, and still have some left over for groceries and much needed car repairs.
(My car is a blog unto itself.)

Anyway, here I am, ready to start a new month. And seeing that I spent 45 minutes this morning trying to get into Zack's locked room...another blog, another time...I guess I better get moving!


Mim said...

Yay! More miracles. It's too bad about Sammi but I'm sure you'll find a wonderful place for her vacation!

ADW said...

I knew that something good would come for you. I hope that you resolve the pet situation, but this is wonderful and I am truly happy for you.