Saturday, September 29, 2007

Catching up

I really never thought I'd get this far behind on my blogging. Seeing that it's been so long since I last blogged, don't even really know where to start.

I'm staying busy, busy, busy. There are always lessons to plan, papers to grade, meetings to attend, places to get Zack to, places to get myself to...and somewhere in there, I need to find time to sleep. This past week it seemed to all catch up to me and just felt like I was running on a treadmill. Couldn't quite get to where I needed to get to, but kept running anyway. I overslept THREE days in a row...still made it to school on time, but I'm not a morning person. I don't like to start out in a rush...have to e-a-s-e my way into the day. When that doesn't happen, it seems like I never do get the day in control. Then on top of that, started sneezing Wednesday...felt the lightness in my head, the congestion building in the chest...and sure enough by Thursday had a full out head cold. I probably should have spent Thursday and maybe even Friday in bed...but it's too early in the year to start taking sick days. I like to save them for the spring when I can actually enjoy them. :)

Anyway, all of this is a sign to me that I need to slow down and get caught up. I can't be super teacher...super mom...super church volunteer...I just have to do what I can do and do it well. I came home from school yesterday (after the two hour round trip to drop Zack off at his Dad's)...took some cold medicine and went to bed. I woke up about 3 hours later, had a bowl of soup and went back to bed. I didn't sleep the whole time and must admit to watching "The Biggest Loser" (which I had taped during the week) while eating a 2 lb. bag of M&M's. I am obviously not vying for the BL crown.

So, today and tomorrow are going to be slow down days. I have some lessons to plan...need to do some housework...but whatever doesn't get done isn't going to kill me or anyone else. I have to realize that I'm human (and one that's getting older, and hopefully wiser). I have to learn to set a pace that I can live with.

It's still think I will start out with another cup of coffee and my recording of the first episode of "Ugly Betty".

1 comment:

Mim said...

We're all human. We all try to be super. And I admit, I also indulge while watchin gthe Biggest Loser.

Also, you're going to cry during Ugly Betty. OMG I have NEVER cried during a TV show but the season premiere killed me.

Love you-glad you're back :)