Monday, September 17, 2007

A Teacher's Weekend

When I tell people I'm a teacher one of the most common responses is..."you're so lucky! You get weekends, holidays and summers off!" I wish some of those people could have spent this past weekend with me.

I spent 6 straight hours Saturday and at least 8 hours yesterday working on lesson plans...and those will get me through this week! I'm not complaining...just stating a fact. Granted, this year will contain a lot of those kind of weekends. The good news is, if I continue keeping things organized (if you know me, don't laugh)...all these lesson plans will be good for next year. (as long as I am teaching the same courses) I am saving them all in a notebook with sheet protectors so that I can use most of the same plans when I teach these classes again.

That's just part of being a teacher. You can't just read the history book and then stand in front of the class and tell them what you read. You have to present it in a way that will interest them, entertain them and let them actually have the opportunity to learn. That opportunity comes in the way of creative , hands-on lessons...activities that they can take part in and learn from what they are doing. If I can come up with something fun and entertaining, they don't even know they are learning.

I think that's a good way to explain how God teaches us. He's given us the Bible for guidance, then he gives us people to explain, teach, and share lessons in a creative and (often) entertaining way...but most importantly He gives us life experiences so that we can actually learn. What good would it be if we just heard the facts and they had no experience or activity to really take in the lesson?

I have to admit, there have been some lessons that I would have been happy to just suck into my brain without experiencing...but then I know I wouldn't have really learned the lesson. I've got another big one (life lesson) coming up...but will share the details of that in my next blog. Right now, I'm off to share some of my knowledge with 100 unsuspecting students.


Mim said...

I'm glad you prepare. I had my fair share of teachers who did absolutely nothing. Very Ben Stein in Ferris Beuler, Beuler, Beuler...

ADW said...

I loved history.. loved, loved, loved it!!