Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend was just that for me...labor. No, don't get excited, I didn't give birth to a baby. However, guess you could say I "gave birth" to a classroom.

Last week when I stepped into what was going to become my classroom, I was a little overwhelmed. It was a major job, but it got done. All the excess stuff has been moved out and the floors have been swept, desks set up, posters hung, and AV equipment all plugged in and ready to go. Thanks to Tom and Vi, who stopped in Saturday and Monday and spent several hours (both days) helping me out.

The finishing touches will be added today...the students. I'm excited about meeting them and getting to know them over the next few weeks. They probably aren't as excited as I am. They are excited about seeing their friends and making new friends...showing off their new school clothes...talking about their great summer vacations. You know, they are excited about the important stuff.

But, there is another important milestone taking place in my house today. My son is starting high school! I've been so caught up in getting the job and getting the room and lesson plans done, that I really haven't given that a lot of thought.

I remember the first day I got him ready for kindergarten...he was so excited. He had new clothes and a backpack that was almost as big as he was. He never cried, as a matter of fact, he couldn't wait for me to let go of his hand everyday. He would run into the classroom and never look back. I was the one who cried. I cried at kindergarten graduation (they looked SO cute in those little caps and gowns). I cried at 6th grade graduation. I also cried at 7th grade orientation. (jr. high seemed so daunting to me) And, ok, I'll admit it...I'm crying a little as I write this.

My baby is going to high school!

1 comment:

Mim said...

Aw yay! High School was so much fun and Zach will have a blast!