Friday, August 31, 2007

Miracle Month

I began this month declaring it a month of miracles and they have just kept coming.

During the last 5 years, God has never failed to take care of our needs. We didn't always have room for a lot of "wants"...but as I've said before, we've never been hungry or without a home and friends. And the giving continues.

I was a little concerned about the fact that September was going to be long month without a pay check. I was told yesterday that this school actually pays twice a month (very unusual for education). I will actually begin receiving pay on September 5th!

Teachers have to supply a lot of their own classroom supplies...that's why school needs lists have grown so much over the years. (Yeah, remember when we just had to show up with pencil and paper?) I knew I was coming in with a few supplies, but still had a lot of supplies that were needed. First, my friend Jimi, (boss at mortgage company) told me that she wanted to do something special for me for some extra work I did a few weekends ago. She told me to order some supplies from Office Express and those come in today. Then I came into a classroom with not one, but two, retired teachers' leftovers. Now, I had to throw away a lot...but ended up with staplers, tape, paper clips, colored paper, white paper, markers, pencils, pens, bulletin board supplies, etc. I looked around yesterday and realized that I really don't need anything else for a while.

Zack's laptop broke. It was pretty old, but I knew I wouldn't be able to replace it. Yesterday, room-mate told me that she has an account with Walmart-online that is empty and told me if I would like, I could order a laptop for Zack and make the payments (I can't get credit of any kind). So, Zack is getting a new laptop for his birthday! (14 on Sept. 8...that's another blog for another day)

OK, so the Red Sea hasn't parted...but I know those are miracles straight from God!

I can't tell you how I am truly feeling right now. This time of year has been very difficult for me for the last few years. I love teaching! It has been so tough to watch the school year start and know that I wasn't invited to the party. This year I am going to the party!

I have decided that this month of miracles has been so successful, I am going to extend it. (with God's help, of course) I am believing that September is going to be another month of miracles...I have a couple of friends with cancer...I'm looking for some big ones...but I have a GREAT BIG GOD!

Let the miracles continue!


A Margarita said...

I love the month of September. Something about the start of fall and school. It just seems filled with so much promise, like you can turn over a new leaf or shed an old one.

ADW said...

That was a great post and I admire your ability to "witness" in a way that doesn't come off as condescending or obnoxious.

I know coming from me that may seem irreverent, but we each worship in our own way!!

Here's to an even better September.

Mim said...

Septembers are the best. Everything seems to fall into place. You're wonderful and your kids are going to benefit so much from having you as their teacher! Good Luck!

Teacha said...

Your son's birthday is the same day as mine! You sound overwhelmed as I did my 2nd year of teaching when I finally got a classroom, but it was filled with a bunch of crap.