Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Just Believe

"Faith is just believing what God says He will do. He will never fail us, His promises are true." These are the words to a song I used to sing at church when I was a little girl. Faith always seemed such an easy thing as a child. If I lost a tooth, I never went to bed worried that the Tooth Fairy would forget about me. I never doubted that Santa Claus would show up sometime after I went to bed on Christmas Eve. I never wondered whether or not there would be a meal on the table when dinner time rolled around. I KNEW these things would happen.

When did I grow out of that? Why is it that after a LIFETIME of God always coming through for me, I still have to work hard at believing? It doesn't just come naturally anymore. He has proven Himself to me in so many ways over the years. There were times that I seriously didn't know where our food and gas would come from for the rest of the week. Miraculously...there was always a gift from someone...or a check would come through that I didn't know I was going to get. Some would call that coincidence, but I have always known when it was from God.

This month I am going to try to be childlike when it comes to faith again. I'm just believing! I have a little sign on my bathroom mirror that says, "Just Believe"...that is exactly what I'm going to do. the process of writing this blog, I checked phone messages at home...a principal called to see if I was still interested in a position at his high school. It's not one I have interviewed for it will at least be an interview.


1 comment:

Mim said...

Believing is key.

I think we believe so easily as kids b/c our minds are still attuned to God. We aren't jaded yet. The world hasn't kicked us while we're down yet.

It's just simpler when you're a child...I wish I could go back