Friday, August 10, 2007

Woo Hoo

No, don't get excited...I didn't get the job...YET! I'm "woo hoo"-ing about the "miraculous month of August"!

So, had pre-interview yesterday. It went well. I had actually applied for this same job three years ago. As we were talking, the principal said that he really wanted whomever he hired to have an understanding of the job (it's activities coordinator--Student Body or Council Advisor). He said that they had had to fill it every year for the last three years. Well, I looked at him with a straight face and said, "If you had hired me when I interviewed for it 3 years ago, I'd still be here and you wouldn't have to be having this head-ache." (For those of you who don't know me, I have a sense of humor and I use it everywhere I go.) He busted out laughing and said, "I knew you looked familiar."

He called again this morning for interview #2...#2 happens with students. I will meet with them on Tuesday (the 14th).

Bad news--this is NOT a full time job. It is a little more than half -time, enough to get benefits, BUT it's a foot in the door. Still not my first choice.

SO THAT BRINGS ME TO MIRACLE #4...North Sound Christian School called today. They would like me to come in for an interview on Monday (the 13th). THIS is my first choice. It is full time. Small classes. Great atmosphere! And Zack would go there FREE! He could really use the structure of a private school.

If you've just started reading this blog...I actually had my first interview with this school in APRIL. Then 2 weeks after my interview, the principal left the school. So, had my 2nd interview at the end of May with an interim principal. I was the only one who had applied for the job so he said he felt he should interview more people. (ok, that's understandable). Anyway, then I heard that he wasn't going to be principal and so they had to interview and hire a principal before they could hire teachers...etc.etc.etc. Well, he is the principal after all and I had about given up on this job. I call at least once a week and the secretary wants to hire me just so I'll quit calling her.



1 comment:

Mim said...

YAY! I'm so excited for you. Everything is falling into place. And I totally would have said that to the Principal too!

I'm trying to keep my good energy. Sometimes it's super hard and I'm so pissed b/c I just want him to stop playing that stupid computer game already and help a sister out!

I hope Zach likes the dish. In fact I hope my future children do too b/c it's cheap, easy, quick and yummy!