Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Zack's birthday

How does it happen? It really doesn't seem like that long ago when I was working full time, going to college to get my master's degree full time, all the while raising a child. I was so lucky that my Mom and Dad were there during the hours I wasn't. I would get home in the evening and I would hear a loud squeal as I walked through their door. Zack would come running through the house screaming, "My Mommy's home! My Mommy's home!"

He turned 14 on Saturday. He doesn't run squealing when I come in the door anymore. Mostly, he spends a lot of times rolling his eyes at me and I can almost see him mentally turning off the volume when I begin nagging or lecturing. Our going to school together has been a good thing. I feel like we are communicating more. I also have gotten several compliments from him about being a good teacher. (That's huge coming from the kid who thought he would have to get into fights to defend me if kids said bad things about if he KNEW that would happen.)

I will say...he's definitely a teenager...but he's also a very good kid. I've had several people lately tell me how nice it is to talk to a teenager and actually have him look them in the eye and carry on an actual adult conversation. I can't take all the credit. I have had lots of help along the way, but I have made a point of letting him know just how proud I am of him and how much I love the young man he is becoming.

Of course, watching him grow fills me with dread. Time goes so quickly. If he's actually 14 this soon will he be going off to college? or getting married? or having children of his own? I can't think of all that right now...I'm too busy hearing him counting the days...

"Hey Mom, 362 days until I can start drivers ed.!"


1 comment:

Mim said...

Aw, you're baby is growing up. But that's a good thing!