Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gangsta boy--Part II

We have to move...I think I ended on that note.

This is another opportunity for a miracle. August was full of them (job, financial stuff, etc.) and I claimed more for the rest of the year...but you know, when you don't need a miracle, you tend to forget to look for them. Maybe this is just God's way of reminding me that He's around and He's going to continue taking care of things.

We don't have to be out until January 1st. However, I have NO intention of moving during Christmas break. It takes me a week to get my decorations fully out and where I want them, then another week (or sometimes two because I'm more resistant in taking them down) to un-decorate. I don't want to be doing both and moving...and no way I'm going through Christmas without all of my decorations up and around. So, my plan is to move by December 1st. (sooner, if possible)

Now, that gives us a couple of months, so should be no problem, right? Oh, I wish that were true. But as wise and insightful as I may sound on my blog (ok, that's what I'm usually going for anyway) financial life is really a total mess.

I have been broke since a few days after I graduated from college. Ok, maybe not the whole time. But I've never made a lot of money and usually when I've made a good salary, it's been a monthly pay check and by the time the end of the month rolls around, the whole thing goes to pay for what we need and what we owe.

I do have a savings account. I use it to hold my money so that I don't spend it while it's in my physical possession. I struggle to make it last from one pay check to another. I used to spend frivolously. I haven't been able to do that for a while. For the past 5 years, my income has barely covered my out-go.

My point there is to say it's not like I have first month, last month and deposit stuck away somewhere. And before I even need that, I have to pass a credit check. (Ha, with that 5 figured number that I still owe for my Master's Degree.)

So, here's the requirements (or wish list) for my next miracle: (1) house (not apartment, condo or townhouse),(2) pets ok, (can't get rid of Sammi--she's family), (3)no credit check, (4) water, sewage included, (5) close to where we are now (that's Zack's wish since his bff lives within bicycle distance) and (6) CHEAP. If you don't live on the west coast, you don't know just how expensive the cost of living is here. I'm now bringing home about $1800 a month. I'm praying for $900 a month or under for rent...that would be a miracle.

Parts of the miracle have begun ex has volunteered to pay whatever it takes to get us into a place. How nice, you may be saying...and yes, I suppose it is...however, that means no child support payments for a few months because we would be getting it all in one lump sum for that time period. If that's what it takes, we'll manage that.

I'll keep you up to date with all the details. In the to school!


Mim said...

This sucks. I'm sorry. It will all work itself out, I'm sure!

ADW said...

I am sure that there will be a way that this all works out for you. Best of luck.