Monday, April 23, 2007


Yesterday our Pastor's daughter (Cambria) gave a little talk about the 30 Hour Famine project that the Youth Group is experiencing next weekend. She literally opened up her heart in front of the congregation. I don't remember all the facts she stated, but I was struck by her sincere COMPASSION for these people that we could (and do) easily forget.

God really used her to speak to me. I did get the message about the project, but more than that, He used Cambria to remind me that He wants me to have a heart like that. He wants us to give out of COMPASSION. He wants me to look at the people around me with COMPASSION. He wants me to live my life full of COMPASSION. He doesn't just want me to give a little money, or make a couple of sandwiches...He wants my heart full of COMPASSION for His people.

Cambria, thanks for letting God use you in such a powerful way.

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