Friday, April 13, 2007

Free speech

Wouldn't it be nice if people spent as much time watching what they say as they do objecting to what others say? Wouldn't it be nice if everyone only said "nice" things?

I have watched and listened to the "Imus" controversy this week. I have mixed feelings on the matter. On the one hand, it would be nice to live in a world where everyone just said nice things. On the other hand, our Constitution allows us freedom of speech. You can't go into a theater and yell "fire" because that could cause physical harm to others. You are allowed to say things that can hurt the feelings of others. I am certainly not condoning what Imus said, I am merely condoning his right to say it. Of course, CBS and MSNBC had the right to fire him for saying it...but did they fire him for what he said, or did they fire him because others used their freedom of speech to hit the stations where it hurt...the wallet?

Why does the public continue buying CD's which use the "N" word, the "f" word, talk about killing cops, shooting people, etc. etc. Why do the sponsors continue putting these "entertainers" on television and radio where our kids have access to what they say and do?

Why are news commentators, comedians, periodicals, etc. allowed to say hurtful and nasty things about the President of the United States? Why do sponsors continue allowing this constant disrespect of the most powerful world leader? or any other government institution, for that matter? (even if we disagree with the politics, the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders)

Why?? Because we live in the United States of America and our Constitution allows us freedom of speech. Sorry, Imus, guess you weren't included in that this week.

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