Thursday, April 19, 2007


After all these years of being a Christian, I still have lots and lots of questions. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about one particular question. I know that we are not to judge. I know that we are supposed to take the log out of our own eye before we worry about the splinter in someone else's. I know that we are to love as Christ loves. So, do we just open our arms to people and ignore what we believe to be sin?

As a Mom, it is my responsibility to help Zack grow into a decent and responsible adult. So, when I see him do something wrong I correct him. As a Christian, do I do the same with my Christian family? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to, nor do I, focus on the "sins" of others. I truly have enough of my own to deal with.

So, do we accept and ignore the sins of others? Homosexuality, living together without marriage, premarital sex, dependence on medication or alcohol, cheating on taxes, etc. When Jesus was on earth, he loved the outcasts...but what if Matthew had continued stealing from people and cheating them when he collected taxes? What if Mary Magdalene (thought to be a former prostitute) had continued taking clients? I know that He wouldn't have loved them less, but what would He have done?

I don't want to be a hinderance to someone growing in Christ. I don't want to be the reason they quit coming to church because they feel judged. So, what is the answer? What is my duty and responsibility?

I'd love your opinion.

1 comment:

Garrett Frazier said...

I think we can learn a little about what Christ did here. Think of each of those people you talked about, Matthew, Mary, and so forth. Each one of them was willing and ready to follow Jesus yet they were not made perfect when they did. Jesus simply called them to follow him. More than that he offered them a simple way to change. I think a better question could be, what if Matthew and Mary did not continue sinning after following Jesus. Where is the power that Christ has to daily save us if all we have to do is change our focus. Jesus came to save us from deeper issues, notably our humanity. He saves us daily and reminds us that we need him more and more.
It can be hard at times to not look at the speck in another persons eye, we have to look at them all day. Yet to be like Christ is to love them regardless. While we strive to be like Christ I think that we can learn from him this, judge with humility. Think of the woman caught in adultery, she was told to go and sin no more, period. Christ never said he would be back in a week to check up on her. He trusted her in that situation, showed her love and acceptance.
Anyways, those are my thoughts, albeit incomplete and random.