Monday, April 9, 2007


I don't like Mondays. I start not liking Monday on Sunday afternoon. If I were President, the first law that I would enact would be the three day weekend...Monday being the final day. (Of course, then I wouldn't like Tuesday.)

The problem is, I start out with the wrong attitude. It really is all about attitude. This morning I woke up with a really bad case of "Monday Morning". I didn't want to get out of bed. I grumbled all the way into the kitchen. I grumbled into my first and second cups of coffee. I grudgingly picked up my Bible and journal. Then I read Ps. 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (I would argue with anyone who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.) I would love to say that my attitude immediately changed...but it took a little while. However, by the time I got to work (after singing an old camp song called "This is the Day" all the way there), I had decided to change my attitude. I greeted my co-workers with a big smile and a cheery"good morning" as they came in to the office. I put on Spirit 105.3 and started singing along. After a couple of hours I realized I really wasn't finding I had to try too hard anymore.

It's been a pretty amazing Monday.

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