Monday, June 18, 2007

Busy Weekend

Sometimes I need a day or two to recover from the weekend. Had a busy one this past weekend.

Friday had to have Zack at "All-Star" tryouts. (Just when you think baseball season is over...) To be invited to even try out for "A-S" is an honor and Zack and I were both honestly surprised when he was invited to try out. Not that he's not a good ball player, but he advanced to Jr.'s this year, so is one of the younger players. He spent a lot of time on the bench. Obviously someone thought he played that position well.

Try-outs are a two day experience. The first day, the players go out into the field and someone hits them 10 ground balls and 10 pop-ups. They are scored on how well they field, catch and throw them back to where ever they are directed to throw them back. I don't know how Zack was feeling but I was nervous for him. I didn't need to be, he caught all grounders and pop-ups and threw them right where they needed to go. After tryouts I took him and some friends to a movie.

Saturday Zack had part two of tryouts. I didn't go with him this time. I picked Saturday as a "me" day. I don't do that often enough. I headed off early Saturday morning to the Freemont Street Fair. Having lived most of my life in the mid-west and the south, Freemont Street is like another world. I can't even begin to describe it. The festivities start with a Summer Solstice parade...the parade is led off by 200 naked bicyclists. They aren't wearing clothes, but they paint their bodies so that you really don't notice their nakedness. Ok, well, after the first 50, you almost forget they are naked. I won't even bother to discuss the short-comings of this parade. :)

Headed back to Edmonds to the Art Festival. I am so amazed by the talents of artists. I am so amazed that they can charge so much for their talent.

Sunday, went to church. Scott is doing a three part series on disappointment, I will talk more about that this week. Left church and took Zack to his Dad's to spend Father's Day. While he was there he got the call...he made the TEAM. He was very excited, as I am...sort of. All-Stars means practice EVERYDAY until the actual tournaments start. If they do well, Zack won't be able to go to church camp...oh well, we'll just take it one day at a time.

Time to get started on Monday.

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