Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lack of ... something

I know that the job I currently have is not permanent. Jimi would keep me if I really wanted to stay...but I am not an office person. Plus, my hourly wages are maybe enough for a young person who is still living at home...but not enough for two people to live comfortably.

So, I should be filling out applications in my free time. I have been looking. (I am still holding out a thread of hope that I will get a call from North Sound.) And, I have actually gone so far as to print some applications...but here they sit on my desk. I just have a lack's not motivation because I do want (and know I need) a different job. The thing is that nothing I have found so far really rings my bell.

God says if we trust Him, He will give us the "desires of our heart". Long ago I thought that meant that if we desired something, He would give it to us. I now know that He means if we are trusting Him to direct us, He will place the appropriate desires in our heart to lead us on the path He has for us. Right now, I look at the ones I have printed off, but none of them are something I really desire to do. I'm asking Him to lead me in the right direction and I'm trusting that He will.

I also know we aren't supposed to sit back and wait for jobs (etc.) to drop down from Heaven...but is it wrong to let these applications sit here on my desk? Maybe.

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