Friday, June 8, 2007


Now, some of you looked at the title and read "job" (place where you work)....others, of a more spiritual nature (smile) read "Job" (Biblical character who rose above his challenges).

I have actually been thinking of the two words in the same thoughts these past couple of days. Of course, I don't truly compare myself to Job...he lost family, home, work, etc...yet he always thanked God. He continued being faithful and following God's path for his life. I haven't suffered nearly what he suffered. And maybe "suffering" is the wrong word to use for my current situation.

Somewhere in the Bible (help me out, if you know) it says that God won't give us more than we can handle. On Wednesday, I told God that I was at that point. I am tired...emotionally. I can't handle anymore. I'm not asking for a winning lottery ticket. I'm not asking for a mansion. I'm not asking for anything more than a job I enjoy going to and a salary that I can live on. 30K gets me excited. Anyway, that's what I told God. Guess what He told me...

Wednesday: "Behind the scenes, before He ever flung the stars into space, God had today in mind...He is never at a loss to know what He's going to do in our situations."
Thursday: "...the beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him NEVER to lead us astray. He knows exactly where He's taking us. Our job is to obey."
Friday: "God 's hand is not so short that it cannot save, nor is His ear so heavy that He cannot hear. Whether you see Him or not, He is at work in your life this very moment. "
*quotes from "Bedside Blessings" by Charles Swindoll

I can handle what He gives me...especially when I know my friends and family are out there praying for me.

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