Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Role Models

OK, before you read on, understand that I GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED...not just in the lives of my friends and family...but in fictional characters, celebrities, politicians and often just random 'people on the streets'. This probably could have been nipped in the bud early on...but my parents thought it was cute.

When I was around 3 years old, my mother heard me crying one day and came into the living room to find out what was wrong. I looked up at her with tear-stained cheeks and said, "Mommy, can Casper come live with us? He doesn't have any friends and I love him." (AKA--Casper the Friendly Ghost) I'm sure at that point that Mom tried to explain the difference between reality and fiction...but somehow I never got it.

Right now I am angry, sad, heartsick and want to hop in my car and head off to Hollywood. Why have we let these beautiful talented CHILDREN become crazy, raving, drunken, drugged lunatics?!!? Why has no one sent undercover cops along behind them to close down some of the clubs they frequent...I know that Lindsay and Brittney are "of age" now...but they weren't when this all started. It was going on back when Drew Barrymore was a little girl. Where is the law? Where are their parents? Why are we as a public "devouring" all the press and publicity and yet not CRYING OUT in RAGE!!!???!!! Where are all those people who are so obsessively worried about polar bears and trees? Why aren't they as worried about our children?

I've seen the little first and second grade girls walking around looking like Britt and Fergie (the singer, not the former princess)...why do moms think that is cute OR appropriate?

Why are children allowed on the computer at all hours of the day? (I'm smacking my own hand on that one...I do try to check on where he is and what he's doing...but MUST begin limiting time spent on the machine.)

Why are we allowing professional athletes to continue playing when they've been arrested for DUI's, public intoxication, drug possession, etc? Do we really have no other alternatives? Is having a winning team all that important? especially when it is affecting our kids?

We give them excuse after excuse after excuse ... ADHD, ADD, etc. etc. etc. (I am NOT saying that doesn't exist...I just think we hand out labels and medication much too quickly.)

Let's rise up and set some standards. Let's find some political role models who don't think it's really ok to cheat on your wife, or lie or steal. Let's find some sports figures who believe in practice and exercise and taking care of the talented bodies they have. Let's find some entertainers who don't need to be drunk or on something to have a good time. Let's let our kids know that they can have a good time WITHOUT anything more than a good slice of pizza and an icy Coke.

Let's get our families back to church and let our kids know the stories of Jesus.

Let's find some new role models!


Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know I really appreciate reading your posts. They are insightful and honest. -Mattv

ADW said...

If you find any decent role models out there in the public eye - ya know, ones the kids can connect with but who wear panties.... Let me know.