Monday, July 2, 2007

Keep on keepin' on

About 10 years ago, I was working 2 jobs, going to school full time and raising a son. Thank God for my Mom and Dad who helped out with babysitting so that I didn't have to worry about that expense. At the time, I got involved in a single parents support group at my church. I made some very good friends in that group. We played together, but even more importantly we prayed together. We were all at different points of frustration and stress, yet we all had a strong foundation in Christ and knew that our lives were in His hands.

At one particular prayer time, one of the guys came to me afterwards and said, "I got a word (from God) for you." Now, I have to admit...I had never had anything like that come my way before...but immediately my heart jumped and I thought "here it is...the answers to all my questions". So, I held my breath expectantly and waited to hear the heavenly choir sing and a light drop down from the sky as he shared with me what God had told him to tell me. "Keep on keepin' on." he said. No heavenly light from the 'thee or thou'...instead I get a 70's bumper sticker slogan.

I was seriously disappointed, but guess what? I know now that he gave me a serious message from God. There are days I just want to crawl into bed, throw the covers over my head, and not come out for a few weeks. I don't have that option, and those are the days I hear those words in my head. "Keep on keepin' on." Put one foot in front of the other. Do what you have to do. Keep praying. Keep being faithful and believing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep sharing His word with others. Keep smiling.

Keep on keepin' on.

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